Helping one horse at a time… 

Founded by Jim and Maryann Ogden, in Meredith, New Hampshire, Apache Creek Mustang Rescue is a nonprofit organization, that specializes in the rescue and training of once wild American Mustangs.

Every year, the United States Bureau of Land Management rounds up hundreds of wild mustangs due to the lack of resources for the herds out west. These horses are then sent to auction. Unfortunately, due to the unique needs (and challenges) wild mustangs have they often end up in the wrong hands or are bumped from one home to the next, only to end up in kill pens or abusive situations.

At Apache Creek, mustangs, and many other horses, are given a second (or even third or fourth!) chance to become the best versions of themselves.

Each horse is given what he or she needs for success through training and rehabilitation, with their needs being met every day.

The Ogden family hopes to continue to help mustangs find a purpose in domestic life while also raising awareness about mustangs and their amazing capabilities!

If you’re interested in supporting the Apache Creek Mustang Rescue mission, consider getting involved with us!